Kutschenreuter, M. et al.: How Electric Vehicles Change The Fire Safety Design in Underground Structures, Ninth International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security 2020


Driven by climate change, the need to reduce the production of climate-wrecking gases, especially CO2, is resulting in a diversification in the mobility sector. Therefore, the number of vehicles using so-called new energy carriers (NEC), in particular electric drive concepts, is constantly increasing. Electric vehicles itself as well as the mixture of vehicles are causing new fire risks, which are currently hardly known. Moreover, this risks are  even intensified when occurring in underground facilities.These circumstances are demanding for research on those new fire risks. The German research project SUVEREN is focussing on the described deficit. Various fire tests with NECs, including different types of lithium-ion batteries, have been conducted. Furthermore, a design fire curve for modern passenger cars regardless their propulsion system was developed. This curve can be utilized for designing underground facilities when using performance-based design.